Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wire weaving and how I solved a problem

I wanted to make a wire woven pendant.

 I had a  do nut bead which I wanted to adorn with wire weaving.

I have this wonderful tutorial by Gailavira and some previous experience  with wire weaving.

Look at my first try that I did a couple of years ago.
Alankarshilpa-   SOLD

But after a  couple of years gap of doing this type of wire work I found I have lost a lot.

Now look what it is doing to me:

What's wrong?  Why is the wire not listening to my command?  Because, wires have their individual memory, and their way of acting out.  I was frustrated, because I had done this project.

What can go wrong?  I was using 20 g for the base frame.  The tutorial asked for 18 g.  I don't
 have it handy.  I was using 26 g  for the weaving part.

This  time I used 20 g , because that's all I have , but  I used 28 g.

Oh yes, it made a big difference.  The wire is much obedient now.  It is capable of following direction.

I am enjoying the over and under basket weaving motion now.  And look  I did two of them.

And a third one !

So I learned that:

1. Practice makes it perfect.  It took me 90 minutes to make the first one, 70 minutes to make the second and only 55 minutes to make the third.  I learned to track the time it takes to do wire work projects.  It helps me when I do the pricing.  Therefore I'd do an average to price them for selling purpose.

2. 20 g is fine for the base.  It gives me better flexibility than 18 g  for my hands.  But 26 g as a support wire does not work for me.  The brands of wires are also important.  I found art wire by soft flex works best.  It is a bit more expensive but worth it.

Now, which one do you like best. The 1st, 2nd or last?  I am taking a poll.

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